Java Reference
In-Depth Information
• λ
is a regular expression denoting the set that contains only the empty
string. This set is not the same as the empty set because it does contain
one element.
The symbol s is a regular expression denoting
{ s }
: a set containing the
single symbol s ∈Σ
If A and B are regular expressions, then A | B , AB ,and A are also regular
expressions. They denote, respectively, the alternation, catenation, and
Kleene closure of the corresponding regular sets.
Each regular expression denotes a regular set. Any finite set of strings can be
represented by a regular expression of the form ( s 1
| s 2
| ... | s k
). Thus, the
reserved words of ANSI C can be defined as (auto
The following additional operations are also useful. They are not strictly
necessary because their e
ect can be obtained (perhaps somewhat clumsily)
using the three standard regular operators (alternation, catenation, and Kleene
P + , sometimes called positive closure , denotes all strings consisting of
one or more strings in P catenated together: P =
( P +
)and P + = PP .
1) + is the set of all strings containing one
For example, the expression (0
or more bits.
If A is a set of characters, Not(A) denotes (
- A ), that is, all characters
not included in A .SinceNot(A) can never be larger than
is finite, Not(A) must also be finite. Therefore it is regular. Not(A)
does not contain
is not a character (it is a zero-length string).
As an example, Not(Eol) is the set of all characters excluding Eol (the
end-of-line character; in Java or C,
It is possible to extend Not() to strings, rather than just
.If S is a set of
Σ - S ), that is, the set of all strings
except those in S .AlthoughNot( S ) is usually infinite, it also is regular if
S is regular (Exercise 18).
strings, we can define Not( S )tobe(
If k is a constant, then the set A k represents all strings formed by catenat-
ing k (possibly di
erent) strings from A .Thatis, A k =
( AAA ...) ( k copies).
1) 32 is the set of all bit strings exactly 32 bits long.
Thus, (0
3.3 Examples
We next provide some examples that use regular expressions to specify some
common programming language tokens. In these definitions, D is the set of
the ten single digits and L is the set of all upper- and lower-case letters.
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