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graphs with a Start and Stop node, and an edge from Start to Stop,asshown
in Figures 14.42 and 14.44.
In compilers where space is at a premium, nodes of a control flow graph
typically correspond to the maximal straight-line sequences (the basic blocks )
of a program. While this design conserves space, program analysis and opti-
mization must then occur at two levels: within and between the basic blocks.
These two levels are called local and global data flow analysis , respectively.
An extra level of analysis complicates our discussion and can increase the
expense of writing, maintaining, and documenting an optimizing compiler.
We therefore formulate data flow evaluation graphs whose nodes model the
ects of perhaps a single JVM or MIPS R
14.4.2 Meet Lattice
As with all lattices, the meet lattice represents a partial order imposed on a
set. Formally, the meet lattice is defined by the tuple
A ,,⊥,,∧
L =
which has the following components:
A solution space A . In a data flow framework, the relevant set is the
space of all possible solutions to the data flow problem. Exercise 36
considers the live variables problem, posed over a set of n variables.
Since each variable is either live or not live, the set of possible solutions
contains 2 n elements. Fortunately, we need not enumerate or represent
all elements in this large set. In fact, some data flow problems (e.g.,
constantpropagationdiscussed in Section 14.6) have an infinite solution
The meet operator
. The partial order present in the lattice directs how
to combine (summarize) multiple solutions to a data flow problem. In
Figure 14.42, the first node of the outer loop receives two edges— v + w is
available on one edge and not available on the other. The meet operation
is associa-
tive and commutative, so multiple solutions are easily summarized by
) serves to summarize the two solutions. Mathematically,
pairwise in any order.
Distinguished elements
. Lattices associated with data flow
frameworks always include the following distinguished elements of A :
intuitively is the solution that allows the most optimization.
intuitively is the solution that prevents or inhibits optimization.
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