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Introduction to Data Flow Analysis
As discussed in Section 14.1, an optimizing compiler is typically organized
as a series of passes . Each pass may require approximate information about
the program's runtime behavior to do its job. Data flow frameworks o
er a
unified and mathematically appealing structure for such analysis.
In Section 14.4 we present a more rigorous formulation of data flow frame-
works. Here, we discuss some data flow problems informally, examining a
few popular optimization problems and reasoning about their data flow for-
mulation. For each problem, we are interested in the following:
What is the e
ect of a code sequence on the solution to the problem?
When branching in a program converges, how do we summarize the
solution so that we need not keep track of branch-specific behavior?
What are the best and worst possible solutions?
We use the program and control flow graph shown in Figure 14.41 as an
Local solutions to the above questions are combined by data flow analysis
to arrive at a global solution . By local, we mean information that is present
on a given edge because of an adjacent node's behavior. By global, we mean
that a solution can be found for every edge of a flow graph.
14.3.1 Available Expressions
Figure 14.41 contains several computations of the expression v + w .Ifwecan
show that the particular value of v + w computed at Marker 83 is already
available , then there is no need to recompute the expression at Marker 83 .
More specifically, an expression expr is available at edge e of a flow graph if
the past behavior of the program necessarily includes a computation of the
value of expr as it would appear on edge e .Theavailable expressions data
flow problem analyzes programs to determine such information.
To so l ve the available expressions problem, a compiler must examine a
program to determine that expression expr is available at edge e , regardless of
how the program arrives at edge e . If a compiler simply executed a program to
find such information, then an infinite loop could prevent the compiler from
finishing. Finding such loops is in general undecidable [Mar03]. Compilers
instead perform static analysis , which symbolically interprets a program and
avoids infinite loops.
Returning to our example, v + w is available at Marker 83 if every path
arriving at Marker 83 computes v + w without a subsequent change to v or w .
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