Java Reference
In-Depth Information
There are several kinds of instructions that accommodate conditional
branches. Each such instruction contains an opcode that specifies the con-
ditional test and a branch to be taken if the test is true.
The ifgt instruction and its cognates expect that the
TOS is a signed int value, The branch is taken if the
condition (in this case, greater-than-zero) is satisfied.
In the example, 131 is popped and compared against
0. Because 131
0, the branch will be taken. Had the
comparison failed, control would pass to the instruc-
tion following the ifgt instruction.
The JVM contains 6 such instructions, one for every possible comparison of
an int value against 0: ifeq (
), ifne (
), iflt (
), ifle (
), ifgt (
), and
ifge (
). A separate opcode is provisioned for each instruction.
Some programs call for comparisons of non-zero values. While the in-
structions described above are su
cient for such programs (see Exercise 9), a
shorter sequence of instructions can be generatedusing the following relatively
more complex instructions.
Consider a source program that at some point has
a =
131 and must next evaluate whether
a > b .Afteraniload instruction is issued for a and b ,
in that order, the stack appears as shown on the left.
431 and b =
In the example, the if_icmpgt instruction pops the top
two elements and performs the comparison 431
Because this test succeeds, the branch is taken.
There are 6 instructions in this family: if_icmpeq ( a = b ), if_icmpne ( a b ),
if_icmplt ( a < b ), if_icmple ( a b ), if_icmpgt ( a > b ), and if_icmpge ( a b ).
Static Method Calls
There are several forms of method-calling instructions in the JVM. In object-
oriented languages, a method could be common to all instances of some type t
or instance specific. In the former case, Java designates such methods as static .
A static method of type t , like a static field, is referenced by its type t and
does not require an instance of t to be called. An example of a static method
is Math.pow(double a,double b), which returns a b . Such methods are called
using the invokestatic instruction.
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