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1 Start
2 S
lp U rb
lb U rp
6 M
7 U
Figure 6.35: A grammar that is not LALR( k ).
6.5.4 LR( k ) Table Construction
In this section we describe an LR table-construction method that accommo-
dates all deterministic, context-free languages. While that may seem attrac-
tive, LR( k ) parsing is not very practical because even LR(1) tables ( k =
1) are
typically much larger than the LR(0) tables upon which SLR( k )andLALR( k )
parsing are based. Moreover, it is rare that LR(1) can handle a grammar for
which LALR(1) construction fails. We present such a grammar in Figure 6.35,
but such grammars do not arise very often in practice. When LALR(1) fails, it
is typically for one of the following reasons:
The grammar is ambiguous—LR( k ) cannot help.
More lookahead is needed—LR( k ) canhelp (for k >
1). However, LALR( k )
might su
ce in such cases.
No amount of lookahead su
ces—LR( k ) cannot help.
The grammar in Figure 6.35 allows strings generated by the nonterminal M
to be surrounded by matching parentheses (lp and rp)orbraces(lb and rb). The
grammar also allows S to generate strings with unmatched punctuation. The
unmatched expressions are generated by the nonterminal U. The grammar can
easily be expanded by replacing the terminal expr with a nonterminal that de-
rives arithmetic expressions, such as E in the grammar of Figure 6.21. While M
and U generate the same terminal strings, the grammar distinguishes between
them so that a semantic action can report the mismatched punctuation—using
reduction by U
A portion of the LALR(1) analysis of the grammar in Figure 6.35 is shown
in Figure 6.37; the complete analysis is left for Exercise 29. Consider the
lookaheads that will propagate into State 6. For Item 14, which calls for the
reduction M
expr, rp is sent to Item 8 and then to Item 14. Also, rb is sent
to Item 12 and then to Item 14. Thus,
ItemFollow (14)
= {
. Similarly,
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