Java Reference
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The following grammars are relevant to programming language translation:
Regular grammars, which are less powerful than CFGs
Context-sensitive and unrestricted grammars, which are more powerful
Regular Grammars
A CFG that is limited to productions of the form A
aBor C
d is a regular
grammar . Each rule's RHS consists of either a symbol from
by a nonterminal symbol or just a symbol from
. As the name sug-
gests, a regular grammar defines a regular set (see Exercise 15.) We observed
in Chapter 3 that the language
[ i ] i
| i
is not regular. This language is
generated by the following CFG:
1 S
2 T
| λ
This grammar establishes that the languages definable by regular grammars
(regular sets) are a proper subset of the context-free languages.
Beyond Context-Free Grammars
CFGs can be generalized to create richer notational mechanisms. A context-
sensitive grammar requires that nonterminals be rewritten only when they
appear in a particular context (for example,
), provided the rule
never causes the sentential form to contract in length. An unrestricted or type-
0 grammar is the most general. It allows arbitrary patterns to be rewritten.
Although context-sensitive and unrestricted grammars are more powerful
than CFGs, they also are far less useful for the following reasons:
cient parsers for such grammars do not exist. Without a parser, a
grammar definition cannot participate in the automatic construction of
compiler components.
It is di
cult to prove properties about such grammars. For example, it
would be daunting to prove that a given type-0 grammar generates the
C programming language.
cient parsers for many classes of CFGs do exist. Hence, CFGs present a
nice balance between generality and practicality.
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