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Chapter 4
European Options in BS Markets
In the last chapters, we explained various methods to solve partial differential equa-
tions. These methods are now applied to obtain the price of a European option. We
assume that the stock price follows a geometric Brownian motion and show that the
option price satisfies a parabolic PDE. The unbounded log-price domain is local-
ized to a bounded domain and the error incurred by the truncation is estimated. It
is shown that the variational formulation has a unique solution and the discretiza-
tion schemes for finite element and finite differences are derived. Furthermore, we
describe extensions of the Black-Scholes model, like the constant elasticity of vari-
ance (CEV) and the local volatility model.
4.1 Black-Scholes Equation
Let X be the solution of the SDE (1.2), where we assume that the coefficients b, σ
are independent of time t and satisfy the assumptions of Theorem 1.2.6. Further
assume r(x) to be a bounded and continuous function modeling the riskless inter-
est rate. We want to compute the value of the option with payoff g which is the
conditional expectation
e t r(X s ) d s g(X T )
x .
= E
X t =
We show that V(t,x) is a solution of a deterministic partial differential equation.
Therefore, we first relate to the process X a differential operator
, the so-called
infinitesimal generator of the process X .
Proposition 4.1.1 Let
denote the differential operator which is , for functions
C 2 (
) with bounded derivatives , given by
2 σ 2 (x)∂ xx f(x)
f )(x)
b(x)∂ x f(x).
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