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(S, Y 1 ,...,Y n v ) ∈ R
n v +
can be described by the system of SDEs (compare
with (8.1))
d Z t = b(Z t ) d t + Σ(Z t ) d W t ,Z 0 = z,
n v +
1 -valued Brownian motion, and the coefficients b : R
n v +
where W is
1 ) satisfy the Lipschitz-continuity (8.2) and the
linear growth condition (8.3). We again denote by
n v +
1 , Σ : R
n v +
(n v +
1 )
(n v +
→ R
Q = ΣΣ .
9.1.1 Heston Model
= y wit h n v =
The Heston model is given by ξ(y)
1in( 9.2 ) and Y following
β Y t d W t . The Brownian motion W
might be correlated with the Brownian motion W 1
a CIR process, i.e. d Y t
Y t ) d t
in ( 9.1 ) that drives the asset
price S . We th us intro duce a Brownian motion W 2
independent of W 1
and write
W t =
ρW t
ρ 2 W t
being the instantaneous correlation co-
efficient. Under a non-unique EMM, the coefficients b , Σ in ( 9.3 ) for the Heston
model are therefore given by
, with ρ
1 , 1
b(z) =
λ(s, y)
s y
βρ 1
Σ(z) =
ρ 2 y
where z
(s, y) and the function λ appearing in ( 9.4 ) represents the price of volati l-
ity risk. Different choices of λ are given in the literature, for example, λ(s, y)
c y
(together with ρ =
0) in [6] and λ(s, y) = cy in [79]. For simplicity, we will choose
0 in the following.
9.1.2 Multi-scale Model
(Y 1 ,...,Y n v ) evolves according to
We assume that each component of Y
d Y t
c k (Y t ) d t
g k (Y t ) d W t ,k
1 ,...,n v ,
with coefficients c k ,g k : R → R
smooth and at most linearly growing.
As in the Heston model, the Brownian motions W 1
and W t
1 ,...,n v ,are
not independent to each other, but are allowed to have a correlation structure L
, k =
(n v +
1 )
(n v +
1 )
of the form
(W t , W t ,...,W n v
) =
LW t
(W 1 ,...,W n v + 1 )
with W
a standard (n v +
1 ) -dimensional Brownian motion
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