Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
A collection of indicators for the impact of mobility services on the envi-
ronment in a given community, with particular reference to the economic
A transverse reading of different pressures acting on the ecosystem of
interest, often expressed in different value categories.
A means of recomposing the different readings so that quantifiable assess-
ments can be adapted to those that are only qualitative, evaluations in
which objective approaches prevail adapted to those that are more subjec-
A synthesis of the evaluations in a decision support system of open gov-
ernance, allowing for the comparison of different visions.
A method to connect different visions to different policies in the econom-
ic, environmental, and urban-planning fields.
It is clear that all of the considerations previously mentioned and their
related decisions heavily influence the organization and quality of urban
spaces, considering that creating infrastructure in a territory can be, if well
designed, a tool for the modernization and requalification of crossing spaces.
However, the model for mobility in which they intersect, connecting and inte-
grating even vastly different means of transport, must be a coherent part of an
infrastructure program on the national level. In reality, in some countries, such
as Italy, none of this has happened as yet. Even dedicating extensive resources
to infrastructure, only a scattering of investments in “ small public works, often
poorly designed or realized even worse, in the same way the proliferation of
spontaneous or abusive settlements marks the territory and the city ” [29] has
been seen.
In two research programs carried out on this theme (Umbria, Italy,
2009-2011; the Carpathian Foothills in Austria, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia
and Slovenia, 2011-2012), profoundly different study areas were examined, in
which different forms of approach, contact, and fruition were analyzed: one
precisely on the speed of movement, even with international terminals, typical
of logistics, trade, and finance; the other characterized by means of light
fruition, with slow movement vectors, prevalently pedestrian and bicycle,
ideal for looking at the landscape and nature. Naturally, the “slow” and “fast”
adjectives constitute an effective linguistic synthesis to evoke limits and
potential, considering that each type of movement expresses its own vision of
sense and a specific testimony of human/territory belonging (Figs. 6.5-6.12).
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