Environmental Engineering Reference
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Within the case studies coming under theme 3, we have identified two
areas: Montecosaro and Ripabianca. These are situated along the branches of
the “comb” that is typical of the entire regional territory, morphologically dis-
tinct from the inland hills, and marked by linear settlement development in the
valley floor. The rural area is closely related to the invariants of the ecologi-
cal network and to the hydrographical network. Where the orography favors it,
occurrences of potential joining together of the productive/commercial fabric
is seen (Fig. 8.7.22).
In conclusion, the REM project becomes the first activation of a complex
and general reorganization project for the quality of the Adriatic city. The
arrangement of the city is introduced starting from the environmental matrix.
New city/nature relationships arise from this, significant not only as they
increase the possibility for the displacement of plants and animals, but also
because they provide spatial anchoring for actions that are more precisely
directed at increasing quality of life . The case study in Box 8.7.1, linked to the
consumption of land in the Chienti Valley and drafted in agreement with the
REM project, is an eloquent example of this.
Containment of Land Consumption in the Lower
Chienti Valley 18
A significant case study is the Lower Chienti River Valley (Fig. 8.7.23).
This is a territory with a population of 180,337 inhabitants, an average den-
sity of 452 inhabitants/km², in a total area of 399.35km 2 (Fig. 8.7.24).
A knowledge framework, made of traditional thematic maps and
advanced geographic information system analysis, produces a comprehen-
sive framework for the knowledge of this area and the study of the quanti-
tative and qualitative phenomenon of urban sprawl (Figs. 8.7.25-8.7.27).
The interpretative framework faces a range of issues related to:
• The impacts on the environment and population (Fig. 8.7.28).
• The different forms of development of the city (Fig. 8.7.29).
• The perception of the landscape in areas of urban sprawl (Fig. 8.7.30).
The strengths, weaknesses/limitations, opportunities, and threats analy-
sis (Fig. 8.7.31) synthesizes the whole analytical and interpretative frame-
works and leads to the final outcome: the intermunicipal strategic plan (Fig.
18 Andrea Renzi and Ilenia Pierantoni have further developed their thesis on “Containment of
Land Consumption in the Lower Chienti Valley” (supervisors: Michele Talia, Valeria Di Palma,
Scuola di Architettura e Design, 2009-2010) for their research on “urban sustainability” at the
University of Camerino.
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