Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Fig. 8.7.7 REM (Marche Environmental Network). Landscape fragmentation: index of urban
fragmentation. Numerical values are related to the surface area and length of characteristics
constituting settlement organization. The linear urbanization fragmentation index (UFI) is
measured on the basis of environmental units in which the regional territory is divided. The
success of the investigation exposes a pronounced fragmentation phenomenon corresponding to
the main access channels that penetrate the interior from the coast, or rather, in the main valley
areas (tracing out the typical comb structure of the Marche Region). The phenomenon, which is
considerable close to the coast ( dark blue ), weakens in moving from the plain or low hills to the
high hill and foothill zone ( light blue ). However, critical situations remain, even inland, such as
what happens in the case of the syncline that reaches from Camerino to Pergola
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