Environmental Engineering Reference
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The importance of these actions for waste management has been received
in different ways within the EU: among the most virtuous are Germany,
where 70% of waste is recycled , Sweden, the European leader in the Waste
Electrical and Electronic Equipment directive, and Norway where rubbish
acquires real value, as many supermarkets have automatic waste collectors
for tins and plastic bottles. In exchange, consumers receive shopping
vouchers. Instead, in the last EU report dated 2 July 2012 on correct waste
management in the 27 member countries, Italy was only in 20th place, as
prevention is not a national concept but limited to single initiatives [5].
Separate collection also moves at two speeds: in the north, it is around
60%, but in the south, it is still under 30%. Of the 95% of waste dealt with,
more than half continues to be dumped, 15% is incinerated, and only 34%
is recycled or made into compost.
This data highlights the need to put waste prevention into practice to
defend and guarantee the right of environmental health , a collective social
right considering the relatively recent destructive process of the planet. The
fundamental rights are historically and culturally determined values and the
vital needs of each person. In this sense, the right to environmental health
and quality of life of citizens are fundamental rights and must be guaranteed
by the State [6]. In the immediate future, Italy must adopt ways of discour-
aging dumping and incineration, which is hazardous to health and the envi-
ronment, and support prevention and separate collection. Proposals include
introducing taxes and bans on traditional dumps and incinerators and cam-
paigns to awaken concern in schools and workplaces. Producers should be
more responsible and rethink their production strategies, while consumers
must change their own waste habits . These are necessary strategies to
restore value to the countryside for citizens to enjoy and live healthily.
Cordier S (2010) Maternal residence near municipal waste incinerators and the risk of uri-
nary tract birth defect. Occup. Environ med. 2010, 67 493-9, http://oem.bmj.com/con-
World Health Organization (2007) Population health and waste management: scientific
data and policy options. Report of a WHO workshop, Rome, Italy, 29-30 March 2007,
Meadows D H, Meadows D L, Randers J, Behrens III W W (1972) Rapporto sui limiti
allo sviluppo. Commissioned by the Club of Rome al MIT, Mondadori
Martino R (2010) Compendio normativo per la gestione dei rifiuti e la bonifica dei siti
inquinati. Maggioli, Napoli
European Commision (2012) Screening of waste management performance of EU Mem-
ber States. http://ec.europa.eu/environment/waste/studies/pdf/Screening_report.pdf
Ferrajoli L (1989) Diritto e Ragione. Laterza, Roma-Bari
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