Environmental Engineering Reference
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through which citizens can participate directly to change services and the
urban fabric; and the rethinking of open spaces, environmental, infrastruc-
ture, and settlement networks, as well as elements capable of contributing
to reinforcing the identity of the contemporary city. In such a setting, slow
paths can become the means for new scenarios to transform undefined
spaces generated by the contemporary city, based on new design views of
“networks and their interaction with the landscape” [6]. They cross spaces
of different natures and scales: interstitial areas between built-up zones,
residual spaces amid the networks, places in the local memory, borders of
the still-farmed countryside; but also the edges of environmental corridors,
waste or reuse areas, as well as new large technological parks. Their spa-
tial-temporal dimension constitutes a connective armor, both physical and
symbolic, that links cities and territories through spatial and anthropologi-
cal relationships.
In the study of relationships between “naturality,” “rurality,” and
“urbanity,” characteristics peculiar to the reticular city, one can identify
with the “ environmental question as a potent antidote to the fragmentation
of the territory ” [7]. In addition to understanding the sense of the new mul-
tifunctional “ environmental infrastructure ”, an understanding of the
interactions between environmental networks and transformative dynamics
of the city can open new doors to lend quality to the urban project.
The innovative conception of “slow paths” in a view of the reticular city
can be a tool to deal with new spaces in the contemporary city, enrich them
with a variety of uses and meanings, strengthen the link of belonging
between inhabitants and places of everyday life, reduce degraded and aban-
doned areas, recover spaces that are usable on the human scale, and consid-
er in an integrated way the complex of resources offered by the city.
Clementi A (2008) Corridoi, piattaforme, città senza fine. Nuovi scenari per la città
medioadriatica. List-ActarD, Roma-Barcellona
Cities. Architecture and society, Architecture Biennale, Venice, 2006
Lotus International 139, Landscape infrastructures, Editoriale Lotus, Milan, 2009
Gasparrini C (2011) Una nuova città: diffusione e densificazione. Report to the Seminar
“Ri-conoscrere e ri-progettare la città contemporanea”. University of Camerino, Ascoli
Piceno, 20 May 2011
Cassatella C (2011) Pianificare paesaggi multifunzionali: dalla scala vasta al progetto. Ur-
banistica 148, Inu Edizioni, Rome
Gasparrini C (2009) Nuovi racconti della città contemporanea. Urbanistica 140, Inu Edi-
zioni, Rome
Gambino R (2011) I temi della transizione. Report to the Seminar Ri-conoscrere e ri-prog-
ettare la città contemporanea. University of Camerino, Ascoli Piceno, 20 May 2011
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