Environmental Engineering Reference
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where professional figures of medium-to-low profile are approved to produce
transformative projects, even those of great importance [12]. The Italian prob-
lem is rather of a different kind and resides precisely within our architectural
departments. Architecture students can reach the end of their academic careers
and graduate with perfect marks without even having the sense of the effects
that their urban composition designs may have on the environment undergoing
an intervention. The same simplifications of the recognition phases, which we
sometimes introduce in laboratories to dedicate more time to design experi-
mentation, should not lose track of the irreducible complexity of the systemic
vision of the territory. This aims to put students on guard with respect to the
unavoidable, deep interactions that exist between a building intervention
(which is never banal and to be underestimated) and the general balance of the
environmental and landscape context in which the intervention occurs.
Because I am the size of what I see and not the size of my own height ,”
Fernando Pessoa said more than 30years ago; and still we continue to stop
each reflection at our “height” [13].
Areas of Examination
To favor overcoming the sectorialization of fields of action in this research,
three large areas for further investigation have been delineated, where the dif-
ferent disciplinary sectors have developed integrated interpretations.
The section titled “ Distinctive and Pleasant ” closely examines the theme
of open and green spaces (linear and point-like) in the city and the immediate
context in their relationships with the environmental infrastructure of the sur-
rounding territory, architectural and archaeological resources, centrality, and
places of the city's collective identity. It aims to improve the activities of liv-
ing, and therefore work, home, encounters, social relations, and leisure. In par-
ticular, relationships among the following are analyzed: representativeness of
places in the diffuse city and in the collective imagination, giving particular
attention to cognitive and descriptive activities (Vincenzo Riso); the common
sense of places and the subjective and/or collective consciousness raising of
local populations (Paolo Castelnovi); the role of natural and urban parks for
public enjoyment and the development of new forms of fruition of open
spaces (Roberto Gambino); cultural heritage and the environmental, social,
and economic fabric in which it is located (Maria Teresa Idone); environmen-
tal networks , urban agriculture, and the regeneration of degraded urban and
peri-urban environments (Ilenia Pierantoni); slow paths and urban networks on
different urban and territorial project scales (Roberta Caprodossi and Paolo
Santarelli); green urban areas and forest continuity (Roberto Canullo,
Giandiego Campetella, Stefano Chelli and Marco Cervellini).
The “ Efficient and Nice ” section of this chapter examines themes of the
city's overall organization and its energy needs on different building scales
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