Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
the model. The results expected from the construction and sharing of the
model, and from its applicability within plans and projects, are the following:
Ensuring greater sustainability and sharing of the changes planned and
those to be planned through a transdisciplinary reading of the Adriatic ter-
Favoring inclusivity and the implementation of policies and interventions
of territorial worth, with the aim of guaranteeing the economic, environ-
mental, and social sustainability of transformation interventions aimed at
the development of local communities.
Making the cooperation between stakeholders and actors that govern the
territory more active, so that they can use the model as a tool to monitor
complex environmental systems.
Improving the quality of the landscape, and with it the quality of life of the
inhabitants, by intervening on three large domains: (1) “distinctive and
pleasant;” (2) “efficient and nice;” and (3) “clean and healthy .
Overcoming Disciplinary Walls
The principal challenge today is to understand if cities can become places to
experiment with new, more sustainable forms of living and working through
the regeneration of the urban landscape, which is intended, in adherence to the
European Landscape Convention (ELC), as a visible, communicable image of
the complexity of relationships between human and natural dynamics.
To have some hope of success in this challenge, it is necessary to follow the
route of transdisciplinarity. Urban planning should break the vertical nature of
knowledge and make an effort to look beyond its own disciplinary walls. This
is particularly necessary in the perspective of inaugurating a new season of
“land projects”—already outlined in the 1980s by Bernardo Secchi and pro-
posed again 20years later [9, 10]—in which the multiplicity of open spaces and
their potential for relation, concatenation, and fruition is put into play [11].
Unfortunately, there are still many representatives from architectural and
urban design that believe they can define urban transformations exclusively
with their own knowledge and skills. It would be useful to ask why, in the
international field, large design studios are notably interdisciplinary (i.e.,
composed of ecologists, botanists, geologists, agronomists, chemists, sociolo-
gists, economists, anthropologists, in addition to architects/land planners, who
work daily side-by-side and are not simply called if necessary), while in some
European countries, Italy among them (whose identifying characteristics are
determined by an interweaving of different substances, whose interpretation
should, naturally, occur through different bodies of knowledge), all of this still
does not happen.
One sometimes objects that this state of building degradation is quite pro-
nounced in European countries where little space is left to the architects ; i.e.,
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