Information Technology Reference
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:atomic-concepts ( Subject Resource Operation Action
Domain ) :extends ( Top )
:atomic-concepts ( VM ) :extends( Resource )
( has_Subject :dom Policy :ran Subject )
( has_Resource :dom Policy :ran Resource )
( has_VM :dom Policy :ran VM )
( has_Operation :dom Policy :ran Operation )
( has_Action :dom Policy :ran Action )
( with_Domain :dom Subject , Resource :ran Domain )
( has_subSubject :transitive :dom Subject :ran Subject )
( has_Subject_Overlap :dom Subject :ran Subject )
( has_subResource :transitive :dom Resource :ran Resource )
( has_Resource_Overlap :dom Resource :ran Resource )
( has_Operation_Overlap :dom Operation :ran Operation )
( has_Action_Overlap :dom Action :ran Action )
( has_Domain_Conflict :dom Policy :ran Policy )
( has_Migration_Conflict :dom Policy :ran Policy )
( has_SoD_Conflict :dom Policy :ran Policy )
Fig. 5. TBox of VRBAC model
has subResource (? r 1 , ? r 2)
has subResource (? r 2 , ? r 3)
has subResource (? r 1 , ? r 3)
The first rule indicates that when ?s1 has ?s2 as its child subject and ?s2 also
has ?s3 as its child subject, we can gain that ?s3 is a child subject of ?s1. In
another word, these two rules furnish the inheritance assertions of Subject and
Resource with transitivity. Then there comes 3 primary rules which map exactly
into 3 types of conflicts:
The rule for Dom-C:
has subject (? p 1 , ? s 1)
has subject (? p 2 , ? s 2)
has subSubject (? s 1 , ? s 2)
with Domain (? s 1 , ? d 1)
with Domain (? s 2 , ? d 2)
has Relation
(? d 1 , ? d 2)
has DomC (? p 1 , ? p 2)
This rule means that the subject belonging to domain ?d1 cannot hold an
inheritance relation with the subject belonging to domain ?d2, if not, the two
relevant policies would lead to Dom-C type conflict.
The rule for Mig-C:
has VM (? p 1 , ? v 1)
has VM (? p 2 , ? v 2)
with Domain (? v 1 , ? d 1)
with Domain (? v 2 , ? d 2)
same (? d 1 , ? d 2)
same (? v 1 , ? v 2)
has MigC (? p 1 , ? p 2)
This rule indicates that the virtual machine migrated from another domain
must modify its identity immediately when the operation finished, or a Mig-C
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