Information Technology Reference
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10. Ang, K.H., Chong, G., Li, Y.: PID Control System Analysis, Design and Technology.
IEEE Transactions on Contr. Syst. Tech. 13(4), 559-576 (2005)
11. Astrom, K.J.: PID Controllers: Theory, Design, and Tuning. Instrument Soc. Amer. Re-
search Triangle Park (1995)
12. Best Fit Allocation Algorithm,
03_03_03.html (access on January 2013)
13. The Grid Workloads Archive,
php?n=Home.GWA (access on January 2013)
14. Wang, Q.G., Lee, T.H., Fung, H.W., Bi, Q., Zhang, Y.: PID Tuning for Improved Perfor-
mance. IEEE Trans. Contr. Syst. Tech. 7, 3984-3989 (1999)
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