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where (∂μ/∂R) e is the dipole moment derivative at geometric equilibrium.
Differentiation of the equation (47) with respect to R gives the atomic polar tensor
of B atom:
P x B = (∂μ/∂R) e = - (χ B - χ A ). 2R AB r A r B χ A χ B /C(r A χ A + r B χ A ) 2
Several correlations have been shown between infrared stretching frequencies of cer-
tain bonds and the electronegativities of the atoms involved however, this is not sur-
prising as such stretching frequencies depend in part on bond strength, which enters
into the calculation of Pauling (1987) electronegativities. The most commonly en-
countered form of Hooke's law is probably the spring equation, which relates the force
exerted by a spring to the distance it is stretched by a force constant, k, measured in
force per length.
F = -kx
k = - W 1 /R 3
Now, let us discuss the algorithm of Ray et al. [17] for the computation of the force
constant on the basis of SBC model. In this model, the vibrational energy function was
defi ned as:
W = W 0 + (W 1 /R)+(W 2 /R 2 )
W 1 /R = - (Z A + Z B )[{(Z A + δ)/r 1 } + {(Z B -δ)/r 2 } - {(Z A +δ)(Z A + δ)/R(Z A + Z B )}
W 2 /R 2 = h 2 (Z A + Z B )/8mR 2 υ 2 AB
where W is the Born-Oppenheimer potential and R is the internuclear distance
between A and B. The term, W 1 /R and W 2 /R 2 are assigned to describe the electrostatic
energy of the system and the kinetic energy of the bond charge moving freely in a one-
dimension box of length υR along the bond respectively.
Using the equalized molecular electronegativity expression, χ AB = (χ A R AA + χ B
R BB )/2R AB , Ray et al. [17] obtained:
W 1 /R = -{(Z A + Z B ) 2 /R}[2-{r 1 r 2 /(r 1 + r 2 ) 2 }]
Ray et al. [17] found that the quantity in bracket is close to 7/4 for most of the
reasonable values of r 1 and r 2 , thus they set it equal to 7/4 to obtain a formula having
maximum simplicity. Thereafter using the force constant formula, k = -W 1 /R 3 , they
defi ned the force constant as:
k = (7/4) χ AB 2 /(R AB C 2 ) (55)
where C is the constant which depends on the nature of the bond between A and B.
Badger [45] correlated equilibrium bond distance (R) and the bond stretching force
constant (k) as:
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