Agriculture Reference
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classification according to their relation to the three sustainability pillars (environmental,
economic, social), the selection of relevant indicators and the impact of the initiative on the
specific indicator.
Given the re-localization trends in contemporary agri-food systems, the inherent
heterogeneity of agriculture and the focus of this research on the regional sustainability of
agriculture, further analysis should take a closer look at the issue of space-specificity in the
study of transitions to sustainability, most notably the spatial variety in regime structures
and landscape forces as well as the territorialized character of institutional embeddedness.
Of course, many issues remain open. However, the operationalization of basic concepts
and their consistent theoretical development could make a substantial contribution not only
to the empirical research through the identification of specific criteria but also to the
advancement of transition theories as well.
Budde, B., Alkemade, F. and Weber, K.M. (2012) Expectations as a key to understanding actor
strategies in the field of fuel cell and hydrogen vehicles. Technological Forecasting & Social
Change 79, 1072-1083.
Caniƫlsa, M.C.J. and Romijnb, H.A. (2008) Strategic niche management: Towards a policy tool for
sustainable development. Technology Analysis & Strategic Management 20, 245-266.
Coenen, L. and Truffer, B. (2012) Places and spaces of sustainability transitions: Geographical
contributions to an emerging research and policy field. European Planning Studies 20, 367-374.
Coenen, L., Benneworth, P. and Truffer, B. (2012) Towards a spatial perspective on sustainability
transitions. Research Policy 41, 968-979.
Cooke, P. (2010) Regional innovation systems: Development opportunities from the 'green turn'.
Technology Analysis & Strategic Management 22, 831-844.
Darnhofer, I. (2015) Socio-technical transitions in farming. Key concepts. In: Sutherland, L-A.,
Darnhofer, I., Wilson, G.A. and Zagata, L. (eds) Transition Pathways towards Sustainability in
Agriculture: Case Studies from Europe . CABI, Wallingford, UK, pp. 17-32.
Diaz, M., Darnhofer, I., Darrot, C. and Beuret, J-E. (2013) Green tides in Brittany: What can we learn
about niche-regime interactions? Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 8, 62-75 .
Elzen, B., Geels, F.W., Leeuwis, C. and van Mierlo, B. (2011) Normative contestation in transitions
'in the making': Animal welfare concerns and system innovation in pig husbandry. Research
Policy 40, 263-275.
Elzen, B., van Mierlo, B. and Leeuwis, C. (2012) Anchoring of innovations. Assessing Dutch efforts
to harvest energy from glasshouses . Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions 5, 1-18.
European Environmental Agency (2002) Environmental Signals . European Environment Agency,
Copenhagen, Denmark.
Feagan, R. (2007) The place of food: Mapping out the 'local' in local food systems. Progress in
Human Geography 31, 23-42.
Geels, F.W. (2002) Technological transitions as evolutionary reconfiguration processes: A multi-level
perspective and a case-study. Research Policy 31, 1257-1274.
Geels, F.W. (2004) From sectoral systems of innovation to socio-technical systems. Insights about
dynamics and change from sociology and institutional theory. Research Policy 33, 897-920.
Geels, F.W. (2007) Analysing the breakthrough of rock 'n' roll (1930-1970). Multi-regime
interaction and reconfiguration in the multi-level perspective. Technological Forecasting &
Social Change 74, 1411-1431.
Geels, F.W. and Schot, J. (2010) The dynamics of transitions: A socio-technical perspective. In: Grin,
J., Rotmans, J. and Schot, J. (eds) Transitions to Sustainable Development: New Directions in
the Study of Long Term Transformative Change . Routledge, New York, pp. 11-104.
Genus, A. and Coles, A.M. (2008) Rethinking the multi-level perspective of technological transitions .
Research Policy 37, 1436-1445.
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