Hardware Reference
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￿ The default sampled value of any other variable or net is the default value of the
corresponding type.
Example A.3.
Given the declaration:
wire w=a;
ǚ. a / D 1'bz , because the default sampled value of a net is the default value of
its type.
￿If s is a sequence then the default sampled values of s.triggered and
s.matched are false ( 1'b0 ).
￿ The default sampled value of an expression is defined recursively.
Example A.4.
Given the declarations:
bit a;
logic [3:0] b = 7,c=4;
ǚ. a||b>c / D ǚ. a / || ǚ. b>c / D 1'b0 || ǚ. b / > ǚ. c / D 7>4 D
1'b1 .
A default sampled value is used in the definition of sampled value functions
when there is need to reference a sampled value of an expression before time 0 (see
Sect. 7.2.1 ).
Sampled Value of Variable
The general rule for variable sampling is as follows:
￿ The sampled value of a variable in time slot 0 is its default sampled value defined
in Sect. A.1 .
￿ The sampled value of a variable in any other time slot is the value of the variable
in the Preponed region of this time slot.
This rule has the following exceptions:
￿ The sampled value of an automatic variable is its current value. When a past or a
future value of an automatic variable is referenced by a sampled value function,
the current value of the automatic variable is taken instead. The indication of past
of future is thus disregarded.
Example A.5. The sampled value of i in the following loop:
for ( int i=0;i<7;i++) begin
is its current value. If a is a vector, then in both $sampled(a[i]) and
$past(a[i]) the current value of i in the current time slot is assumed.
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