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OVL_ASSERT_2STATE, // defined as enum types
OVL_ASSERT: begin : ovl_assert
if (min_ack_cycle > 0)
begin : a_assert_handshake_ack_min_cycle
else ovl_error_t("...as before...");
// other assert and assume statements
'endif //ASSERT_ON
'ifdef COVER_ON
if (coverage_level != OVL_COVER_NONE) begin : ovl_cover
begin : ovl_cover_basic
cover property
(reset throughout req))
ovl_cover_t("req_asserted covered");
//... other cover statement ...
'endif // COVER_ON
Notice the following differences:
￿ Case default values on parameters are removed since constant argument values
are checked at compile time.
￿ Case item labels are predefined enum types rather than 'define symbols.
￿ The property expressions use property operators to allow sequences as the
arguments and to make the assertions more efficient for formal tools. For example,
in property ASSERT_HANDSHAKE_ACK_MIN_CYCLE_P , the sequence repetition is
replaced by not s_eventually ... to accept a sequence expression for ack .
￿ Since both req and ack can be sequences, $rose had to be removed from both
of these operands of the property. Thus, if the user wishes to use $rose on a
Boolean, the appropriate expression has to be passed as the actual argument. 2
Note that by extending the type of the arguments to sequence ,itisnow
impossible to include checks for the presence of x/z values in the variables involved
in the actual arguments. If such checking is required, the best approach is to
create specific checkers just for the purpose of verifying x/z on variables. An
open question remains how to disable existing assertions within the checker in such
cases. It requires either an enhancement to the SystemVerilog language to provide
2 If a system function existed that allowed to distinguish Boolean expressions from temporal
sequences and properties, a conditional generate could be used to construct different forms of
properties depending on the actual argument.
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