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However, we prefer to keep free variable valid because it improves the checker
readability and makes its code more robust for potential modifications of the
Assumption m_def_data (Line 22 ) requires data to contain the currently trans-
mitted bit when the result is valid. Assumption m_new_only_if_start (Line 24 )
takes care that packet_start is set for a new packet.
Lines 27 - 29 define an indication ( packet_seen ) that at least one packet has
arrived. packet_seen is zeroed at a reset. Assumption m_new_if_start_not_seen
(Line 31 ) takes care to set new_packet when the first packet has arrived.
Assumption m_tx_packet_new (Line 33 ) limits packet generation to packets of
a legal type (Fig. 23.4 ,Line 9 ). It is sufficient to require this for new packets
only. Assumption m_tx_packet_stable (Line 35 ) guarantees that the contents of
packet may change only when a new packet arrives.
Lines 37 - 38 handle the quiet mode. Assumption m_quiet_data (Line 38 )
requires the data to be zero when the result is invalid (Rule TX3 ). Note that the
if statement on Line 37 is a generate if as it belongs directly to the checker scope.
The checker also contains two sanity assertions that check its implementation.
Assertion a_sanity_valid_0 (Line 39 ) makes sure that the result is invalid until
the first packet starts transmitting. Assertion a_sanity_valid_1 verifies that the
packet is transmitted continuously from the beginning to the end (Rule TX4 ).
As explained in Sect. 23.3.3 checker free variables are randomized in
simulation subject to the constraints imposed by the assumptions. Contemporary
simulators have strong abilities of solving combinatorial constraints. But our
checker contains two temporal assumptions: m_non_overlap_start (Line 7 ) and
m_tx_packet_stable (Line 35 ). This may become an obstacle to generate a viable
test. Note, however, that the implementation of assumption m_non_overlap_start
in simulation should be straightforward as the actual constraint on packet_start at
each clock is unambiguously defined by the values of this variable in the preceding
LENGTH - 1 clock cycles. As for assumption m_tx_packet_stable ,itmaybe
rewritten as
##1 $changed(packet) |-> !new_packet
which makes it, essentially, combinational.
23.1. Define the formal semantics of unconditional free variable nonblocking
assignment controlled by a clocking event of each of the following forms:
(a) @( posedge clk) ,
(b) @( negedge clk) ,
(c) @( edge clk iff en) ,
(d) @( posedge clk iff en) ,
(e) @( negedge clk iff en) .
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