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if (c)q=i;
Both representations are equivalent from the perspective of formal semantics, and
we will consider the latter representation. The assignment to q is incomplete in the
sense that it is executed only when condition c is true. The rewriting produces a
continuous assignment with a combinational self-loop: the assignment right-hand
side depends on its target:
assign q=c?i:q;
To reflect the dependency of the new value of q on its previous value, this assignment
should be modeled in terms of its next state variables, and therefore it is represented
with the following next state function:
q 0 c 0 ? i 0 : q
Representation of the initialization of q is straightforward:
init q 0
Checker Data Model
We give here a summary of the FV model build from the modeling code of a
synthesizable checker. We assume that all variables are split into individual bits.
Each variable v introduces one and only one of the following options:
￿ v has neither assignment nor initialization.
￿ Initialization init v e 1 , corresponding to Boolean assumption v D e 1 .Heree 1
is an expression containing current state variables only.
￿ Next state function v 0 e 2 , corresponding to assumption G. v 0 D e 2 /.Heree 2 is
an expression that may contain both current and next state variables.
￿ Both initialization and next state function.
￿ Current state function v e 1 , corresponding to invariant assumption G. v D e 1 /.
Here e 1 is an expression containing current state variables only.
The current state function is actually redundant, as it is equivalent to the combination
of an initialization and a next state function:
init v e 1 I v 0 e 1
Essentially the same transition relation is created to build an FV model for
general SystemVerilog modules and interfaces, provided they conform to restric-
tions for “FV synthesizability”. The details of such a build are much more
complicated, involving multiple assignments to nets, general purpose always
procedures, initial procedures, etc. Support for an FV model build has been
tacitly assumed in Sect. 21.2 .
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