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In this example, the clocking event @clk is nondeterministic, and so also is the
value of a because the assignment is performed at nondeterministic time moments.
However, a is deterministic in the sense that it does not introduce any new
nondeterminism: its value is fully defined by the values of e and clk .
The nondeterminism associated with the clocking event is not of an essentially
different kind because the effect of the clocking event could be pushed into the
right-hand side of a checker variable assignment:
always_ff @clk a <= e;
has the same formal semantics as
always_ff @$global_clock a <= $changing_gclk(clk) ?e:a;
had the latter statement been legal in SystemVerilog.
A situation similar to assignment of a free variable to a checker variable arises
when a free variable of one checker is passed to a function or to another checker
as an input argument. Formal arguments of a checker can never be declared as free
Example 23.14.
Checker check1 below defines a free variable v and passes it to
checker check2 .
checker check1;
rand bit v;
check2 c2(v, $global_clock);
endchecker : check1
checker check2(a, clk = $inferred_clock);
a1: assert property (@clk not always a iff s_eventually !a);
endchecker : check2
In checker, check2 formal argument a is untyped. We could define it to be of
type bit ,but not of type rand bit since formal checker arguments cannot be free
Though it is illegal to assign free variables by continuous or blocking assign-
ments, they may be referenced on the right-hand sides.
Example 23.15. In FV modeling, it may be useful to define an expression that
may assume only values from a specific set, for example, only values 2 and 5.
A straightforward way to do this is to define a three-bit free variable and add an
assumption constraining its value, such as:
rand bit [2:0] v;
m1: assume property (@$global_clock v == 3'd2 || v == 3'd5);
A better solution is to define a one-bit free variable and to use a continuous
assignment to a regular variable instead:
bit [2:0] v;
rand bit x;
assign v=x?3'd2:3'd5;
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