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... // sequence of statements 2
v <= expr2;
3. Uniformize all conditionals to be of the form if ... else by adding trivial
else begin end to any if statement with no else clause. Further uniformize
so that if v is assigned in a conditional statement, then v is assigned in both the
then and the else clauses. Do this by adding the trivial assignment v<=v; to
any clause where assignment to v is missing but needed.
4. If v is assigned in both clauses of a conditional statement
if (cond) begin
... // sequence of statements 1
v <= expr1;
... // sequence of statements 2
else begin
... // sequence of statements 3
v <= expr2;
... // sequence of statements 4
extract it out of the scope of the conditional operator as follows:
v <= cond ? expr1 : expr2;
if (cond) begin
... // sequence of statements 1
... // sequence of statements 2
else begin
... // sequence of statements 3
... // sequence of statements 4
The semantic soundness of this extraction follows from the fact that only NBA
can be written in a checker always_ff , and so the statements preceding the NBA
in the conditional do not affect the value of its RHS.
Fully Assigned Free Variables
As we have seen, assignment to a free variable leaves it little freedom: only its
initial value contributes nondeterminism. 6 If we also initialize it, there remains no
freedom introduced by this variable. Such a free variable is said to be fully assigned .
Essentially, there is no difference between a fully assigned free variable and a
regular checker variable.
6 If we assign one free variable to a second free variable, the second one may still be completely
nondeterministic by virtue of the nondeterminism of the first. The point is that a free variable that
is assigned loses its “own” nondeterminism. See also Sect. .
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