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! , then w D?
Example 22.10.
If w D>
a for any a. Therefore, according to
this modified definition, w ˆ not a.
Example 22.11. w ˆ not weak (##[ * ]a) iff w weak (##[ * ]a) .The
latter means that there exists i 0 such that w 0;i
strong (##[ * ]a) .
This is impossible if w does not contain special letters. Therefore, we have that
not weak (##[ * ]a) cannot hold on a trace without special letters, which agrees
with our intuition.
w ˆ not strong (##[ * ]a) iff w strong (##[ * ]a) . T he latter means
that the sequence ##[ * ]a does not match any finite prefix of w . Assuming that
w has no special letter, this is equivalent to w i
a for all i , or, equivalently,
to w i
ˆ ! a for all i . This, in turn, means that always !a holds on w .Thisis
not surprising, since strong (##[ * ]a) is equivalent to s_eventually a , and the
negation of s_eventually a is always !a for Boolean a (Chap. 5 ).
Suffix Implication
The formal semantics of suffix implication is as follows:
w ˆ s |-> p iff for every i 0; w 0;i
j s ! w i::
ˆ p .
This definition means that for each finite prefix of trace w matching sequence s,
the suffix of the trace satisfies property p. The prefix and the suffix overlap at the
letter i . This definition agrees with the informal definition of the overlapping suffix
implication from Sect. 6.4 .
Note the interchange of the letters > and ? in the antecedent. This is necessary
to make the formal semantics intuitive, as illustrated in the following examples.
Example 22.12. It is natural to expect that a |-> b behaves the same as a implies b
when a and b are Bo oleans. Assume th at j w j 1. Then w ˆ a implies b iff
w ˆ not a or b iff w a or w ˆ b iff w 0;0
j a implies w 0::
ˆ b.
Example 22.13. Given the trace w D a ^: b > a ^: b::: and the property
a[ * 3] |-> b we can see that b does not b el ong to the first three letters of the
trace. However, the property hold s on w ,as w D a ^: b ? a ^: b:::, and a[ * 3]
does not match any finite prefix of w .
This example is important for understanding the behavior of implication under
reset discussed in Chap. 13 .
Is the sequence in the antecedent of a suffix implication strong or weak? The
question is malformed since weak and strong sequences are properties , whereas the
antecedent of a suffix implication is a sequence .
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