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of minterms, a D .a ^: b ^: c/ _ .a ^ b ^: c/ _ .a ^: b ^ c/ _ .a ^ b ^ c/. The property
p requires a to be true at each position of the trace, whereas the variables b and c
may have arbitrary values.
We say that M satisfies the property p, or that M is a model for p, or that p is
valid on M , and write M ˆ p, iff all traces that M accepts also satisfy p.
Example 21.14. Let p be defined as the property always i |=> !o . The FV
model M corresponding to the module m from Example 21.8 satisfies p, i.e.,
M ˆ p, since every trace accepted by M satisfies p.
There are two important special cases of properties: true and false (correspond-
ing to SystemVerilog 1'b1 and 1'b0 , respectively). The property true is satisfied
on any trace. Therefore, its language consists of all possible traces defined by a
given set of variables. The property false is not satisfied on any trace. Therefore, its
language is empty.
In Chap. 4 , we introduced SystemVerilog assertion statements: assertions,
assumptions, and cover. From the formal point of view, all these statements are
properties used in different contexts. Below we discuss their formal meaning.
When we check the validity of a property, it plays the role of an assert , as explained
in Chap. 4 . From the definition of M ˆ p, it follows that the property is valid iff
the language defined by this property contains the language defined by the model,
i.e., iff L.M / L.p/. For any model M ˆ true , and M false .
As a property defines its own infinitary language, it is possible to check validity of an
assertion relative to this property instead of checking its validity on a model. We say
that the property p is valid assuming the property q, and write q ˆ p, iff all traces
satisfying q also satisfy p. When the validity of a property is assumed, it plays
theroleofan assumption , as explained in Chap. 4 . Note that for any assertion p,
false ˆ p since ; L.p/.
q ˆ p is equivalent to L.q/ L.p/. As we have seen in Example 21.8 ,an
assumption may replace a model in the sense that it defines the same language
(i.e., set of traces) as the model. More formally, the FV model M Dh V; Q; I; R i
is equivalent to the following assumption:
initial assume property (I and always R);
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