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Fig. 21.2 Formal verification
model corresponding to
module m
Example 21.7. Consider the module m defined by
module m( input logic i, c, output o);
wire a=!i;
always @( posedge c)
endmodule :m
This module can be represented as an FV model. It seems at first that V should
consist of the four variables i; a; c, and o. But it is easy to see that the value of a is
uniquely determined by the value of i . Therefore, the variable a is redundant. This
situation can be generalized:
Only state variables and primary inputs should be included in the variable set
V of an FV model. The signals that are Boolean functions of other signals
should not be included in the variable set.
For the FV model of m , we thus have V Df i; c; o g and Q consists of the eight states
; , f i g ; f c g ; f o g ;:::; f i; c; o g . The transitions of this model are depicted in Fig. 21.2 .
Note that the input signals i and c may have any initial values, and that the
initial value of o is unknown. In simulation, this unknown value is designated as
x , while in the FV model the unknown value just means that both initial values 0
and 1 for o are possible. All the eight combinations of these variables may occur at
system initialization. It follows that all the states of this model are also initial states,
i.e., I D Q.
We now explain the transitions on several examples. Note that the output o can
change only when c changes from 0 to 1. Therefore, if no input changes then neither
does the output change. Consequently, from any state there is a transition to the
same state in Fig. 21.2 , a self-loop. The input i may change independently of c
and o. Therefore, transitions for all values of i are possible. This explains why there
are vertical bidirectional edges in Fig. 21.2 . When c changes from 0 to 1, the next
value of o must be equal to the negation of the current value of i . This yields the
transitions ;!f o; c g , ;!f i; o; c g , f i g!f c g , and f i g!f i; c g .Weleavethe
explanation of the other transitions as an exercise to the reader.
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