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Fig. 11.6 Sequence
clock ticks
a1: assert property (req ##1 ack[->1] |-> ready);
Discussion: As we discussed in Sect. 11.1.2 , this assertion may not be efficient
in simulation when req persists until ack , and ack is sent long time after req is
asserted or if ack is not sent at all. It is possible to modify assertion a1 to limit the
time of waiting for ack to some predefined number of clock ticks, for example, 10:
a2: assert property (
(req ##1 ack[->1]) intersect 1[ * 1:10] |-> ready);
If ack is asserted within 10 clock ticks from req issue, assertion a2 behaves
like assertion a1 ; otherwise, the assertion evaluation attempt is ignored. If it is
known that ack always arrives within 10 clock ticks, assertion a2 is more efficient
in simulation than assertion a1 for most industrial simulators.
Note that 1[ * 1:10] could be replaced by 1[ * 2:10] since the antecedent takes
at least two clock ticks.
Efficiency Tip. Antecedent truncation is not efficient for formal verification. As
mentioned in Sect. 20.6 , the efficiency requirements for assertion checking in
emulation are usually aligned with the requirements for FV rather than with
simulation. Therefore, in emulation it is also better to avoid antecedent truncation,
though it is less critical than in FV.
Throughout. The sequence operator throughout introduced in Sect. 11.1.1 is a
special case of intersect : e throughout s is equivalent to e[ * ] intersect s .
Since throughout does not introduce new event combinations, it is efficient both
in simulation and in FV.
Sequence Conjunction
Conjunction of two sequences r and s is a sequence r and s . It has a match in
clock tick t iff one of the sequences r and s has a match in that clock tick, and the
other sequence has a match in some clock tick t 1 t , as illustrated in Fig. 11.6
Sequence conjunction belongs to the intersect family, and r and s is a
shortcut for r ##1 1[ * ] intersect s or r intersect s ##1 1[ * ] .
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