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Never use antecedents admitting an empty match in suffix implication.
Note also that in case of antecedents admitting an empty match, the transfor-
mation described in Example 6.18 is not valid. For example, s[ * 0] ##1 1 |-> p
(i.e., 1 |=> p )is p ,but s[ * 0] |-> nexttime p is a tautology.
Sequence Concatenation and Delay Revisited
In Sect. 6.3 , we introduced sequence concatenation operators with factors n 0.
The rules of building sequence concatenation may be summarized as follows:
￿ r ##0 s is a sequence fusion.
￿ r ##1 s is a sequence concatenation.
￿ r##ns , where n >1is defined in terms of repetition:
r##ns r ##1 1[ * n-1] ##1 s .
We also defined there initial delay operators with factors n >0. Now we can
provide a definition for any factor n 0:
##n s 1[ * n] ##1 s .
According to this definition ##0 s is equivalent to s (why? see Sect. ), which
is intuitive, as ##0 s means “wait 0 clock ticks before the sequence beginning”.
In a fashion similar to consecutive repetition ranges (Sect. 6.7.1 ), it is possible to
specify delay ranges , finite or infinite, between two sequences, as follows:
r ##[0:0] s r ##0 s .
r ##[m:n] s (r ##1 1[ * m-1:n-1] ##1 s) , where n m >0.
r ##[0:n] s (r ##0 s) or (r ##[1:n] s) , where n >0.
r ##[m:$] s (r ##1 1[ * m-1:$] ##1 s) , where m >0.
r ##[0:$] s (r ##0 s) or (r ##[1:$] s) , where n >0.
Informally speaking r ##[m:n] s means that there are m to n clock ticks from
the tight satisfaction point of r to the initial point of s . r ##[m:$] s means that
there are m or more clock ticks from the tight satisfaction point of r to the initial
point of s . As in the case with consecutive repetition there is a shortcut r ##[ * ]s
for r ##[0:$] s (“zero or more clock ticks”), and r ##[+] s for r ##[1:$] s
(“one or more clock ticks”).
It is also possible to define initial delay ranges :
##[m:n] s 1 ##[m:n] s , where n m 0.
##[m:$] s 1 ##[m:$] s , where m 0.
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