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Of course, this assumes that we verify the property on an infinite trace, hence
in FV. In that case it is not difficult to see that the opposite is also true: Assertion a1
implies the required behavior. Indeed, if req goes high in some clock tick i , it will
remain high until granted by definition. The attempt of the property starting
s_eventually req -> gnt
in clock i guarantees that this req is granted.
Discussion: This property is a special case of property always s_eventually p
described in Example 5.13 . Assertion a1 is standalone, and therefore it has an
implicit always operator. Its performance in simulation may be poor if req is
asserted and no gnt is asserted for a long time (if ever). Simulation performance
efficiency is discussed in detail in Sect. 19.3 .
In this example, we assumed that the request remains pending until granted.
Example 6.23 describes the case of an arbitrary, not necessarily pending request.
Example 5.15. A device must be available infinitely many times. The device
availability is indicated by high value of the ready signal.
a1: assert property (@( posedge clk) s_eventually ready);
Discussion: This assertion is standalone, hence there is an implicit top-level always
The property always s_eventually e is very important for verifying liveness
properties in FV. It expresses the notion of fairness . Fairness indicates that some
resource eventually becomes available, as in Example 5.15 . The absence of fairness
is called starvation , the situation when the requested resource is never available:
Imagine a car waiting at an intersection forever on the red light when the traffic
lights are broken. We get back to the notions of fairness and starvation in Chap. 21 .
In simulation, of course, this assertion cannot be verified (it cannot fail) because
simulation will end in a finite number of clock ticks.
Basic Boolean Property Connectives
The following Boolean connectives between properties exist in SVA:
￿ not —negation
not p is true iff p is false.
￿ and —conjunction
p and q is true iff both p and q are true.
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