Java Reference
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Imagine that we want to improve the performance of our servlet by caching the most recently
computed result, just in case two consecutive clients request factorization of the same num-
ber. (This is unlikely to be an effective caching strategy; we offer a better one in Section 5.6 . )
To implement this strategy, we need to remember two things: the last number factored, and
its factors.
We used AtomicLong to manage the counter state in a thread-safe manner; could we per-
haps use its cousin, AtomicReference , [6] to manage the last number and its factors? An
attempt at this is shown in UnsafeCachingFactorizer in Listing 2.5 .
Listing 2.5. Servlet that Attempts to Cache its Last Result without Adequate Atomicity. Don't do this.
Unfortunately, this approach does not work. Even though the atomic references are individu-
ally thread-safe, UnsafeCachingFactorizer has race conditions that could make it
produce the wrong answer.
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