Java Reference
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variable—the reference to the new object. If you do not ensure that publishing the shared
reference happens-before another thread loads that shared reference, then the write of the ref-
erence to the new object can be reordered (from the perspective of the thread consuming the
object) with the writes to its fields. In that case, another thread could see an up-to-date value
for the object reference but out-of-date values for some or all of that object's state —a par-
tially constructed object.
Unsafe publication can happen as a result of an incorrect lazy initialization, as shown in Fig-
ure 16.3. At first glance, the only problem here seems to be the race condition described in
Section 2.2.2 . Under certain circumstances, such as when all instances of the Resource are
identical, you might be willing to overlook these (along with the inefficiency of possibly cre-
ating the Resource more than once). Unfortunately, even if these defects are overlooked,
UnsafeLazyInitialization is still not safe, because another thread could observe a
reference to a partially constructed Resource .
Listing 16.3. Unsafe Lazy Initialization. Don't do this.
Suppose thread A is the first to invoke getInstance . It sees that resource is null , in-
stantiates a new Resource , and sets resource to reference it. When thread B later calls
getInstance , it might see that resource already has a non-null value and just use the
already constructed Resource . This might look harmless at first, but there is no happens-
beforeorderingbetweenthewritingofresourceinAandthereadingofresourceinB . A data
race has been used to publish the object, and therefore B is not guaranteed to see the correct
state of the Resource .
The Resource constructor changes the fields of the freshly allocated Resource from
their default values (written by the Object constructor) to their initial values. Since neither
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