Java Reference
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15.4.3. Atomic Field Updaters
Listing 15.7 illustrates the algorithm used by ConcurrentLinkedQueue , but the actual
implementation is a bit different. Instead of representing each Node with an atomic referen-
ce, ConcurrentLinkedQueue uses an ordinary volatile reference and updates it through
the reflection-based AtomicReferenceFieldUpdater , as shown in Listing 15.8 .
Listing 15.8. Using Atomic Field Updaters in ConcurrentLinkedQueue .
The atomic field updater classes (available in Integer , Long , and Reference versions)
represent a reflection-based “view” of an existing volatile field so that CAS can be used on
existing volatile fields. The updater classes have no constructors; to create one, you call the
newUpdater factory method, specifying the class and field name. The field updater classes
are not tied to a specific instance; one can be used to update the target field for any instance
of the target class. The atomicity guarantees for the updater classes are weaker than for the
regular atomic classes because you cannot guarantee that the underlying fields will not be
modified directly—the compareAndSet and arithmetic methods guarantee atomicity only
with respect to other threads using the atomic field updater methods.
In ConcurrentLinkedQueue , updates to the next field of a Node are applied using
the compareAndSet method of nextUpdater . This somewhat circuitous approach is
used entirely for performance reasons. For frequently allocated, short-lived objects like queue
link nodes, eliminating the creation of an AtomicReference for each Node is significant
enough to reduce the cost of insertion operations. However, in nearly all situations, ordin-
ary atomic variables perform just fine—in only a few cases will the atomic field updaters be
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