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would have it, take already holds that lock, which it needed to test the condition predicate
(and if the condition predicate was true, to modify the buffer state in the same atomic op-
eration). The wait method releases the lock, blocks the current thread, and waits until the
specified timeout expires, the thread is interrupted, or the thread is awakened by a notifica-
tion. After the thread wakes up, wait reacquires the lock before returning. A thread waking
up from wait gets no special priority in reacquiring the lock; it contends for the lock just
like any other thread attempting to enter a synchronized block.
Every call to wait is implicitly associated with a specific condition predicate . When calling
wait regarding a particular condition predicate, the caller must already hold the lock asso-
ciated with the condition queue, and that lock must also guard the state variables from which
the condition predicate is composed.
14.2.2. Waking Up Too Soon
As if the three-way relationship among the lock, the condition predicate, and the condition
queue were not complicated enough, that wait returns does not necessarily mean that the
condition predicate the thread is waiting for has become true.
Asingleintrinsicconditionqueuemaybeusedwithmorethanoneconditionpredicate. When
your thread is awakened because someone called notifyAll , that doesn't mean that the
condition predicate you were waiting for is now true. (This is like having your toaster and
coffee maker share a single bell; when it rings, you still have to look to see which device
raised the signal.) [7] Additionally, wait is even allowed to return “spuriously”—not in re-
sponse to any thread calling notify . [8]
When control re-enters the code calling wait , it has reacquired the lock associated with
the condition queue. Is the condition predicate now true? Maybe. It might have been true at
the time the notifying thread called notifyAll , but could have become false again by the
time you reacquire the lock. Other threads may have acquired the lock and changed the ob-
ject's state between when your thread was awakened and when wait reacquired the lock. Or
maybe it hasn't been true at all since you called wait . You don't know why another thread
called notify or notifyAll ; maybe it was because another condition predicate associ-
ated with the same condition queue became true. Multiple condition predicates per condition
queue are quite common— BoundedBuffer uses the same condition queue for both the
“not full” and “not empty” predicates. [9]
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