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Read-write locks are a performance optimization designed to allow greater concurrency
in certain situations. In practice, read-write locks can improve performance for frequently
accessed read-mostly data structures on multiprocessor systems; under other conditions
they perform slightly worse than exclusive locks due to their greater complexity. Whether
they are an improvement in any given situation is best determined via profiling; because
ReadWriteLock uses Lock for the read and write portions of the lock, it is relatively easy
to swap out a readwrite lock for an exclusive one if profiling determines that a read-write
lock is not a win.
The interaction between the read and write locks allows for a number of possible implement-
ations. Some of the implementation options for a ReadWriteLock are:
Release preference. When a writer releases the write lock and both readers and writers
are queued up, who should be given preference—readers, writers, or whoever asked
Reader barging. If the lock is held by readers but there are waiting writers, should newly
arriving readers be granted immediate access, or should they wait behind the writers?
Allowing readers to barge ahead of writers enhances concurrency but runs the risk of
starving writers.
Reentrancy. Are the read and write locks reentrant?
Downgrading. If a thread holds the write lock, can it acquire the read lock without releas-
ing the write lock? This would let a writer “downgrade” to a read lock without letting
other writers modify the guarded resource in the meantime.
Upgrading. Can a read lock be upgraded to a write lock in preference to other waiting
readers or writers? Most read-write lock implementations do not support upgrading,
because without an explicit upgrade operation it is deadlock-prone. (If two readers
simultaneously attempt to upgrade to a write lock, neither will release the read lock.)
ReentrantReadWriteLock provides reentrant locking semantics for both locks. Like
ReentrantLock , a ReentrantReadWriteLock can be constructed as nonfair (the de-
fault) or fair. With a fair lock, preference is given to the thread that has been waiting the
longest; if the lock is held by readers and a thread requests the write lock, no more readers are
allowed to acquire the read lock until the writer has been serviced and releases the write lock.
With a nonfair lock, the order in which threads are granted access is unspecified. Downgrad-
ing from writer to reader is permitted; upgrading from reader to writer is not (attempting to
do so results in deadlock).
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