Java Reference
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One way to induce an ordering on objects is to use System.identityHashCode , which
returns the value that would be returned by Object.hashCode . Listing 10.3 shows a ver-
sion of transferMoney that uses System.identityHashCode to induce a lock or-
dering. It involves a few extra lines of code, but eliminates the possibility of deadlock.
In the rare case that two objects have the same hash code, we must use an arbitrary means
of ordering the lock acquisitions, and this reintroduces the possibility of deadlock. To pre-
vent inconsistent lock ordering in this case, a third “tie breaking” lock is used. By ac-
quiring the tie-breaking lock before acquiring either Account lock, we ensure that only
one thread at a time performs the risky task of acquiring two locks in an arbitrary order,
eliminating the possibility of deadlock (so long as this mechanism is used consistently).
If hash collisions were common, this technique might become a concurrency bottleneck
(just as having a single, program-wide lock would), but because hash collisions with Sys-
tem.identityHashCode are vanishingly infrequent, this technique provides that last bit
of safety at little cost.
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