Java Reference
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9.3.2. Progress and Completion Indication
Using a Future to represent a long-running task greatly simplified implementing cancella-
tion. FutureTask also has a done hook that similarly facilitates completion notification.
After the background Callable completes, done is called. By having done trigger a com-
pletion task in the event thread, we can construct a BackgroundTask class providing an
onCompletion hook that is called in the event thread, as shown in Listing 9.7 .
BackgroundTask also supports progress indication. The compute method can call
setProgress , indicating progress in numerical terms. This causes onProgress to be
called from the event thread, which can update the user interface to indicate progress visually.
To implement a BackgroundTask you need only implement compute , which is called
in the background thread. You also have the option of overriding onCompletion and
onProgress , which are invoked in the event thread.
Basing BackgroundTask on FutureTask also simplifies cancellation. Rather than hav-
ing to poll the thread's interrupted status, compute can call Future. is-Cancelled .
Listing 9.8 recasts the example from Listing 9.6 using Background-Task .
9.3.3. SwingWorker
We've built a simple framework using FutureTask and Executor to execute longrun-
ning tasks in background threads without undermining the responsiveness of the GUI.
These techniques can be applied to any single-threaded GUI framework, not just Swing. In
Swing, many of the features developed here are provided by the SwingWorker class, in-
cluding cancellation, completion notification, and progress indication. Various versions of
SwingWorker have been published in The Swing Connection and The Java Tutorial , and
an updated version is included in Java 6.
9.4. Shared Data Models
Swing presentation objects, including data model objects such as TableModel or
TreeModel , are confined to the event thread. In simple GUI programs, all the mutable state
is held in the presentation objects and the only thread besides the event thread is the main
thread. In these programs enforcing the single-thread rule is easy: don't access the data model
or presentation components from the main thread. More complicated programs may use other
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