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or that has been shut down.) Several implementations of RejectedExecutionHand-
ler are provided, each implementing a different saturation policy: AbortPolicy ,
CallerRunsPolicy , DiscardPolicy , and DiscardOldestPolicy .
The default policy, abort , causes execute to throw the unchecked Rejected-Execu-
tionException ; the caller can catch this exception and implement its own overflow
handling as it sees fit. The discard policy silently discards the newly submitted task if it can-
not be queued for execution; the discard-oldest policy discards the task that would otherwise
be executed next and tries to resubmit the new task. (If the work queue is a priority queue,
this discards the highest-priority element, so the combination of a discard-oldest saturation
policy and a priority queue is not a good one.)
The caller-runs policy implements a form of throttling that neither discards tasks nor throws
an exception, but instead tries to slow down the flow of new tasks by pushing some of the
work back to the caller. It executes the newly submitted task not in a pool thread, but in
the thread that calls execute . If we modified our WebServer example to use a bounded
queue and the caller-runs policy, after all the pool threads were occupied and the work queue
filled up the next task would be executed in the main thread during the call to execute .
Since this would probably take some time, the main thread cannot submit any more tasks for
at least a little while, giving the worker threads some time to catch up on the backlog. The
main thread would also not be calling accept during this time, so incoming requests will
queue up in the TCP layer instead of in the application. If the overload persisted, eventually
the TCP layer would decide it has queued enough connection requests and begin discard-
ing connection requests as well. As the server becomes overloaded, the overload is gradually
pushed outward—from the pool threads to the work queue to the application to the TCP lay-
er, and eventually to the client—enabling more graceful degradation under load.
Choosing a saturation policy or making other changes to the execution policy can be done
when the Executor is created. Listing 8.3 illustrates creating a fixedsize thread pool with
the caller-runs saturation policy.
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