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and use a timed get to fetch each result sequentially via its Future , but there is an even
easierway— invokeAll .
Listing 6.17 uses the timed version of invokeAll to submit multiple tasks to an Execut-
orService and retrieve the results. The invokeAll method takes a collection of tasks
and returns a collection of Future s. The two collections have identical structures; in-
vokeAll adds the Future s to the returned collection in the order imposed by the task col-
lection's iterator, thus allowing the caller to associate a Future with the Callable it rep-
resents. The timed version of invokeAll will return when all the tasks have completed, the
calling thread is interrupted, or the timeout expires. Any tasks that are not complete when the
timeout expires are cancelled. On return from invokeAll , each task will have either com-
pleted normally or been cancelled; the client code can call get or isCancelled to find
out which.
Structuring applications around the execution of tasks can simplify development and facilit-
ate concurrency. The Executor framework permits you to decouple task submission from
execution policy and supports a rich variety of execution policies; whenever you find your-
self creating threads to perform tasks, consider using an Executor instead. To maximize
the benefit of decomposing an application into tasks, you must identify sensible task bound-
aries. In some applications, the obvious task boundaries work well, whereas in others some
analysis may be required to uncover finer-grained exploitable parallelism.
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