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ing aren't important; we're interested in characterizing the concurrency of various scheduling
Listing 6.1. Sequential Web Server.
SingleThreadedWebServer is simple and theoretically correct, but would perform
poorly in production because it can handle only one request at a time. The main thread altern-
ates between accepting connections and processing the associated request. While the server
is handling a request, new connections must wait until it finishes the current request and calls
accept again. This might work if request processing were so fast that handleRequest
effectively returned immediately, but this doesn't describe any web server in the real world.
Processing a web request involves a mix of computation and I/O. The server must perform
socket I/O to read the request and write the response, which can block due to network conges-
tion or connectivity problems. It may also perform file I/O or make database requests, which
can also block. In a single-threaded server, blocking not only delays completing the current
request, but prevents pending requests from being processed at all. If one request blocks for
an unusually long time, users might think the server is unavailable because it appears un-
responsive. At the same time, resource utilization is poor, since the CPU sits idle while the
single thread waits for its I/O to complete.
In server applications, sequential processing rarely provides either good throughput or good
responsiveness. There are exceptions—such as when tasks are few and long-lived, or when
the server serves a single client that makes only a single request at a time—but most server
applications do not work this way. [1]
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