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A Semaphore manages a set of virtual permits ; the initial number of permits is passed to
the Semaphore constructor. Activities can acquire permits (as long as some remain) and re-
lease permits when they are done with them. If no permit is available, acquire blocks until
one is (or until interrupted or the operation times out). The release method returns a per-
mit to the semaphore. [4] A degenerate case of a counting semaphore is a binary semaphore,
a Semaphore with an initial count of one. A binary semaphore can be used as a mutex with
nonreentrant locking semantics; whoever holds the sole permit holds the mutex.
Semaphores are useful for implementing resource pools such as database connection pools.
While it is easy to construct a fixed-sized pool that fails if you request a resource from an
empty pool, what you really want is to block if the pool is empty and unblock when it be-
comes nonempty again. If you initialize a Semaphore to the pool size, acquire a permit
before trying to fetch a resource from the pool, and release the permit after putting a re-
source back in the pool, acquire blocks until the pool becomes nonempty. This technique
is used in the bounded buffer class in Chapter 12 . (An easier way to construct a blocking ob-
ject pool would be to use a BlockingQueue to hold the pooled resources.)
Similarly, you can use a Semaphore to turn any collection into a blocking bounded collec-
tion, as illustrated by BoundedHashSet in Listing 5.14 . The semaphore is initialized to the
desired maximum size of the collection. The add operation acquires a permit before adding
the item into the underlying collection. If the underlying add operation does not actually add
anything, it releases the permit immediately. Similarly, a successful remove operation re-
leases a permit, enabling more elements to be added. The underlying Set implementation
knows nothing about the bound; this is handled by BoundedHashSet .
5.5.4. Barriers
We have seen how latches can facilitate starting a group of related activities or waiting for a
group of related activities to complete. Latches are single-use objects; once a latch enters the
terminal state, it cannot be reset.
Barriers are similar to latches in that they block a group of threads until some event has oc-
curred [CPJ 4.4.3]. The key difference is that with a barrier, all the threads must come togeth-
er at a barrier point at the same time in order to proceed. Latches are for waiting for events ;
barriers are for waiting for other threads . A barrier implements the protocol some families
use to rendezvous during a day at the mall: “Everyone meet at McDonald's at 6:00; once
you get there, stay there until everyone shows up, and then we'll figure out what we're doing
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