Environmental Engineering Reference
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pieces/components which are to be purchased and protected, including
(1) skills and support needed for implementing plan, (2) estimated costs
for acquisition and for true protection (total and annual over period of,
say, 50 years), (3) financing plan, (4) management plan, with each
component area to be established as International Treaty Organization
Nature Reserve (ITONR), and (5) overall global management system.
Estimated cost of FS is about $20 million.
(c) Present implementation program, to be spelled out in FS, is in the range
of about $1 trillion (to be spread out over period of 50 years). The FS
will include such cost estimating and suggested financing (to be paid
by ICs).
Affordability of Environmental Improvements
Prior to the 1990s, it was common practice, in project economic analysis (PEA),
to look upon proposed environmental improvement projects as a kind of “add on”
to economic development, and economic decision makers expressed willingness
to approve proposal environmental improvements, provided these were a small
percentage of all project investments. Figure 4.22 is a typical situation for ADB's
1987 proposed Klang Valley Improvement Project for Malaysia 5 . This shows the
capital cost of the proposed environmental improvement represents from one to
three percent from about 2 percent of total fixed capital formation (FCF). This
represents approximately 0.4 percent of the Klang Valley GDP.
Integrated Economic-cum-Environmental Development
Planning (IEEDP)
Sustainable Development The term sustainable development means a devel-
opment program that takes care of society's current needs, by utilization-cum-
protection of environmental resources (natural and human) so that sufficient
resources will be maintained so that future societies can take care of their
IEEDP Methodology Most development planning in the DCs has not been
able to focus on sustainable development per se because of lack of a suitable
planning methodology. As shown in Figure 4.23, the need for developing
a practical IEEDP methodology began to be recognized in the 1990s. An
ADB-sponsored project carried out by Dr. Daniel G. Gunaratnam in 2000
did produce a practicable methodology for IEEDP for the region of northeast
Thailand 15 . This has been followed up by a second ADB-sponsored project for
preparation by Dr. Gunaratnam of a textbook/guidelines manual to be released
in 2008, for use by IAA/DC practitioners for general application for any DC
or sub-DC region or for regions that include areas in two or more adjoining
DCs 16 .
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