Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
120. “HEW Agencies Fight Environmental Threat”, FDA Consumer (December 1978/Jan-
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122. L. T. Harmison, “Toxic Substances and Health”, Public Health Rep. (January/February
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123. M. E. Hildesheim, K. P. Cantor, C. F. Lynch, M.Dosemeci, J. Lubin, M. Alavanja,
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125. P. R. Hunter, Waterborne Disease-Epidemiology and Ecology , John Wiley & Sons,
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129. Cooper, Barber, Mitchell, Rynbergen, and Greene, Nutrition in Health and Disease ,J.
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130. “Surveillance of Drinking Water Quality”, WHO Monogr. Ser. , 63, (1976): 108 - 115.
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134. Procedures to Investigate Foodborne Illness , International Association of Milk, Food,
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135. Procedures to Investigate Waterborne Illness , International Association of Milk, Food,
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140. G. M. Marsh, Statistical Issues in the Design, Analysis, and Interpretation of Environ-
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141. P. A. Rochelle and K. J. Schwab, Molecular Detection of Waterborne Microorganisms ,
in Waterborne Pathogens-Manual of Water Supply Practices ,2 nd
ed., American Water
Works Association, Denver, 2006, pp. 59 - 71.
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