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Moratti (Fig. 3.3b ): “credo che l f o g avvocato pisapia queste cose dovrebbe
saperle” (“ i think lawyer pisapia should know these things ”)
Fig. 3.4 Roth ( woman
second from the left )
responding with shocked
surprise/outrage, posing a
question as counterattack
(Debate 2)
Roth: “Ah! Es ist nicht eine Aufgabe einer Kirche die ethische Begründung für
eine Technologie in Frage zu stellen, die nicht beherrschbar ist?!” (“ Ah! It is not the
duty of a Church to question the ethical justification of a technology, which is not
controllable?! ”)
Fig. 3.5 Lafontaine
overriding the attacker,
keeping the floor (Debate 1)
Lafontaine: das ist kein wahlkampfreden das ist eine frage ::: warum
wo C warum ::: es war ::: es ::: ( this is no electoral propaganda this is a
question ::: why wh C why ::: it was ::: it ::: )
Kienzle then interrupts again and accuses Lafontaine of not answering his ques-
tion, but instead giving a propaganda speech, his voice raised and his hand raised,
pointing his index finger (“keine Wahlkampfrede” “ no electoral propaganda,
repeated). Kienzle's contribution overlaps with Lafontaine's but Lafontaine keeps
his turn. He produces this part of his argument raising his voice, moving his upper
torso forward in Kienzle's direction while holding his head upward.
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