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and compromise groups tended to give higher ratings; and the students in the
competition group tended to give lower ratings. However, it is noted that there
might be a discrepancy between the self-reported TKI style and the student's real
TKI style, since the majority of the students' responses to TKI questionnaire were
evaluated as either accommodative or collaborative categories (91.3 % of all the
valid reports).
Cultural Tendency
We also examined whether the student's collectivism/individualism orientation was
related to their perception of conflict (reported via conflict ratings). We considered
the orientation with a higher value as being the dominant one. This resulted in us
eliminating the ratings associated with students for whom collectivist and individ-
ualist index values were equal. This resulted in 1,461 reports being available for
Table 21.9 reveals that the majority of the students were oriented towards the
individualism orientation, and made up 87.2 % of the total reports available. As
shown in Fig. 21.8 , there is a clear difference in conflict ratings between the two
groups, with students in the individualism group tending to give higher ratings than
those in the collectivism group. The two groups' average reports are significantly
different ( t D 11:94 ,df D 298.974, p D 0:000 ).
Analysis and Discussion The statistical analysis indicates that a student's self-
evaluation of her collectivist/individualist orientation has a significant impact on
her conflict ratings. The students in the individualist group appeared to rate conflict
situations significantly higher than the students in the collectivist group. It also
appears that the students who were individualist tended to be more sensitive to
conflict situations, therefore giving them higher ratings.
In-Game Actions
We examined potential effects between reported conflict ratings and in-game
behaviour, reported emotions, and social networks updates. Table 21.10 presents
the features recorded and extracted for investigation in our study.
Table 21.9 Means and SD
of conflict ratings for
Collectivist and
Individualist style
N (percentage)
188 (12.87 %)
1:59 2:66
1,273 (87.13 %)
4:20 3:60
3:86 3:60
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