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Poggi I, D'Errico F (2012) Pride and its expression in political debates. In: Paglieri F, Tummolini
L, Falcone R, Miceli M (eds) The goals of cognition: Festschfit for Cristiano Castelfranchi.
London College Publications, London, pp 221-253
Poggi I, D'Errico F, Vincze L (2010) Types of nods. The polysemy of a social signal. In: Calzolari
N et al (eds) Proceedings of the seventh conference on international language resources and
evaluation (LREC'10). Malta 11-12 May (ERLA)
Tracy JL, Robins RW (2007) The psychological structure of pride: a tale of two facets. J Pers Soc
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Vincze L, Poggi I (2011) Close your eyes and communicate. In: Paggio P, Ahlsén E, Allwood
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communication. NEALT proceedings series. 15(2011): 62-71. Electronically published at Tartu
University Library (Estonia)
Volpato C, Durante F, Gabbiadini A, Andrighetto L, Mari S (2010) Picturing the other: targets of
delegitimization across time. IJCV 4(2):269-287
Zogby J (2009) Barack Obama: America's first Global President. Politics 45
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