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Of course, much work must be done to develop these first intuitions by applying
to Obama's political speech both Arendt's ( 1978 ) and Foucault's ( 2001 ) theories.
The results of this study, together with observations already discussed in a
previous paper (Leone 2013 ), suggest that the methodological choice to explore
in depth the multimodal communication of a speaker (Poggi 2007 ), paying close
attention to facial expressions (Ekman et al. 1984 ) and emotional regulation (Frijda
2013 ), may contribute useful insights into the issue. However, a sharper distinction
between parrhesiastic and personalizing uses of autobiographical memories must be
drawn, while continuing to analyze extracts from Obama's speeches with this same
mixed methodology. Persuasive effects of these two communicative strategies must
be explored as well, using chosen extracts of Obama's autobiographical memories
as experimental stimuli.
Finally, we think that audience reactions must be better explored, starting with
the particular feedback of applause (Bull 2006 ).
Taking into account all these limitations of our study, we hope nevertheless that
it may advance our understanding of one of the many facets of the political speech
of one of the finest political rhetoricians of our times.
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Arendt H (1997) Rahel Varnhagen: the life of a Jewess. Edited by L. Weissberg, Johns Hopkins
University Press, Baltimore
Bull P (2006) Invited and uninvited applause in political speech. Br J Soc Psychol 45(3):563-578
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Black Scholar 39:4-12
Ekman P, Friesen WV, Hager J (1978) The Facial Action Coding System (FACS): a technique for
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Ekman P, Friesen WV, Bear J (1984) The international language of gestures. Psychol Today
Foucault M (2001) Discourse and the truth (1983). In: Pearson J (ed) Fearless speech. Semiotext(e),
Los Angeles, CA
Frijda NH (2013) Emotion regulation and free will. In: Clark A, Kiverstein J, Vierkant T (eds)
Decomposing the will. Published to Oxford Scholarship Online, Sept 2013
Goffman E (1967) On face-work. Interaction Ritual:5-45
Hammack PL (2010) The political psychology of personal narrative: the case of Barack Obama.
ASAP 10:182-206
Leone G (2013) Sometimes I , sometimes Me : a study on the use of autobiographical memories in
two political speeches by Barack Obama. In: Poggi I, D'Errico F, Vincze L, Vinciarelli A (eds)
Multimodal communication in political speech. Shaping minds and social action. Springer-
Verlag, Berlin
McAllister I (2007) The personalization of politics. In: Dalton RJ, Klingemann H-D (eds) Oxford
handbook of political behavior. Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp 571-585
Poggi I (2007) Mind, hands, face and body. A goal and belief view of multimodal communication.
Weidler, Berlin
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