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In sum, studying the linguistic aspects of aggressive communication can help us
to better understand insulters' emotions and cognitive processes and their potential
differences across contexts.
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D'Errico F, Poggi I, Vincze L (2013) Discrediting body. A multimodal strategy to spoil the other's
image. In: Poggi I, D'Errico F, Vincze L, Vinciarelli A (eds) Multimodal communication in
political speech. Shaping Minds and Social Action. Springer, Berlin, pp. 181-206
D'Errico F, Poggi I, Vincze L (2012) Discrediting signals. A model of social evaluation to study
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Poggi I, D'Errico F (2012a) Social signals: a framework in terms of goals and beliefs. In: Poggi I,
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Proces, vol 13(2):427-445
Poggi I, D'Errico F (2012b) Pride and its expression in political debates. In: Paglieri F, Tummolini
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London College Publications, London, pp 221-253
Poggi I, Zuccaro V (2008) Admiration. In: Proceedings of the workshop AFFINE: affective
interaction in natural environment, post-conference workshop of ICMI 2008Chania, Crete, 24
Sept 2008
Poggi I (2009) The language of interjections. In: Esposito A, Hussai A, Marinaro M, Martone
R (eds) Multimodal signals: cognitive and algorithmic issues. Lect Notes Comput Sci Ser.
Springer, Berlin, pp 170-186
Poggi I (2004) Emotions from mind to mind. In: Paiva A, Aylett R, Marsella S (eds) Proceedings
of the workshop W13: empathic agents. Third international conference on autonomous agent
systems, AAMAS 2004, New York, 19-23 Jul 2004
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