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(c) Ideologies of conflict : conflict (e.g., interpersonal, personal, social) is felt
and treated as a bad thing or situation! However, we must also consider
the usefulness of conflict. For example, competition is the best mechanism
for resource allocation following Hayek's ( 1978 ) liberalism: no reasoning or
planning can match it. Conflict is the essence of democracy.
Conflict Theory
For the theory of conflicts we need a double (but interrelated) foundation:
Cognitive foundation
Conflict theory must be based on the following considerations:
An explicit and systematic theory of our specific goals , motivations that make
something a means, a good, a resource for us.
In fact empty theory of “maximizing utility” or of “maximizing pleasure”
does not tell us so much about conflict; it cannot predict where we compete
and where we cooperate. Conflict is due to specific/ content goals and to
specific interferences in a common world (“strategic” situations). When will
interference generate conflict? And when will it generate cooperation or
A theory of beliefs , since both internal and social conflicts are based on our
beliefs about goals and their interference/dependence.
Structural foundation:
A theory of a common world, of interference, of dependence, and power
However, related to actors' beliefs, goals, and subjective powers, are the follow-
ing issues:
What is a conflict?
A conflict consists of 2
2 There is an even broader and a rather metaphoric notion in common usage, where “conflict”
simply means any incompatibility between A and B in the same given context, for whatever reason.
They are “in contrast” (objectively or subjectively: from the point of view of the perceiver); they
cannot remain together; one tends to rule out the other, even from a simple aesthetic or perceptual
point of view (like clashing colors or sounds, or like a light in front of me, and my goal of looking
in a certain direction. To use the metaphor of conflict, what is needed is to look at the word (even
physical force) from the perspective of “finalities.”
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